Jim Coogan

[email protected]

Using Ink-jet Messages to Turbocharge Response

| Jim Coogan

Why customize your ink-jet messages? People read their ink-jet messages because the message has their name and address. Catalog buyers are also trained to look for promotional offers in the message portion of their ink-jet address. Ink-jet personalization is the poor man

Time to Consider Comailing?

| Jim Coogan

The good news: Comailing your catalog reduces your postage dramatically, which can enable you to prospect more, allow you to mail deeper into your house file, or simply improve your bottom line. The better news: printers are changing their mail pooling requirements to allow many more catalogers to save via comailing.

Modeling Disjoint Groups

| Jim Coogan

To determine if your house file includes a significant number of certain merchandise category buyers, you need to categorize your customers by the type of merchandise they buy, then measure the intersection or crossover between the merchandise buyer groups.

Measuring True Incremental Sales

| Jim Coogan

Measuring the incremental sales that result from a buyer remail is the key metric in determining how deep to mail into your buyer file. Setting up tests to measure the incremental sales from house file mailings gives you the necessary metrics to draw the line at your true breakeven sales for these customers.