4 Unique Ways to Build Customer Loyalty

Whatever product or service your company offers, great customer service should always be a top priority. Customers remain loyal to brands that treat them well, but even more so to companies that implement memorable tactics to keep them happy.

Looking for a few to add to your arsenal? Here are our top tips for keeping customers happy—and building their loyalty.

Express Thanks

A ‘thank you’ can go a long way, and customer loyalty starts with gratitude. This goes beyond things like your standard post-purchase follow-up email or the annual birthday communication that often feel more promotional than genuine. Try thanking customers for being an important part of your company with phone calls, texts, small gifts and even handwritten cards. (Everyone loves getting mail that isn’t just a bill.)

Provide Educational Assistance

Much like a menu recommendation at a restaurant, personal stories that educate customers on a product or service can help them make more informed decisions. You aren’t necessarily pushing a sale, but providing them with a resource. Customers will see you as honest and helpful and feel comfortable asking for more insight.

Deliver Unique Offers

Think outside the box when it comes to giving customers special offers. What sets you apart from the competition? Can you give them something they can’t find elsewhere? Can you provide an additional service they may not have thought of previously? For example, a special offer on a warranty for the product they are purchasing can benefit their investment long term. These kinds of suggestions make customers feel the company is trying to help them improve their purchase experience rather than just trying to make a sale.

Relaxed Communication

Don’t wait for customers to come to you with a problem; connect regularly and remind them you’re there to answer any questions. And keeping customer relations professional doesn’t mean it has to feel scripted. Remember to keep the conversation casual and friendly. By creating this positive relationship, you’re showing your loyalty—loyalty they’re more likely to reciprocate.

Exceptional products and services help create loyal customers, but building and maintaining that loyalty requires more.

Paul Dobbins is National Director of Sales & Account Management at Fortegra

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