A Little Means a Lot

In her article “Little Improvements Mean a Lot” (see page OF10), author Karen M. Kroll details how today’s robust order management systems give marketers a leg up. But that parable can be applied to operations in general. For example, today’s warehouse management systems are able to do more than ever, only few merchants seem to be investing in them. Could it be the systems’ seven-figure price tags are scaring executives into sticker shock? Granted, most multichannel merchants have never been accused of being on the “bleeding edge” when it comes to technology. But looking at the investment as a pure cost issue is short-sighted. A well-planned, well-integrated system can recoup the cost of that investment many times over. As operations steps to the forefront, a well-oiled distribution center can become a differentiator to your customers. At the very least, executives should strive for making their distribution and contact centers a little better than yesterday. After all, a little goes a long way.