New Bill to Spur Japanese DM Growth

Marketers with experience in building businesses in Japan know that one of the greatest challenges is customer acquisition. But a recently passed Japanese law should make prospecting easier.

The key provisions of the Protection of Personal Information law go into effect in April, although the law was passed in May. The bill for the first time establishes a legal framework for the handling of personal information in Japan, thus laying the groundwork for a more active exchange of customer lists for prospecting purposes. The law requires direct marketers to notify consumers as to how their data will be used and to offer individuals an easy way to opt out. In general, notification should come from that medium that makes up the prime form of communication with the customers. For most marketers, a catalog will suffice. For some, it may be the Internet. At the moment, the Japan Direct Marketing Association (JADMA) is not suggesting that a notice separate from what is stated in the catalog or Website needs to be sent out.

For further information on the bill, visit the JADMA Website at