The Judging Panel

Geoff Batrouney
executive vice president, Estee List Marketing

John Borta
vice president of marketing operations, NewarkInOne

Jeff Campbell
catalog manager, Stoner

Chris Carrington
president, Catalogs by Lorél

Sandra Cooper
vice president of creative and account services, Marke Communications

Christian Feuer
direct marketing consultant, formerly of

Rick Fitzgerald
director of marketing services, New England Business Service

Christophe Gaigneux
executive vice president, Brylane

Jean O. Giesmann
vice president of creative services, Plow & Hearth

Morlee Griswold
director of direct marketing, Patagonia

Ian Heller
vice president of marketing, Corporate Express

George Ittner
direct marketing consultant, formerly of Newport News

Mary Ann Kleinfelter
president, Marketing Solutions Today

Caroline Mondanel
marketing manager, Corporate Express

Katie Muldoon
president, Muldoon & Baer

Sue Naylor
senior art director, Catalogs by Lorél

Jeff Parnell
vice president/general manager of e-commerce, Blair Corp.

Ames Parsons
creative director, New Pig Corp.

Jim Ray
president, McFeely’s Square Drive Screws

Andy Russell
president/CEO, AGA Catalog Marketing and Design

Michele Rick
director of customer acquisition, Crutchfield Corp.

Tom Rosenbauer
marketing director, Orvis Fly Fishing catalog

Jack Schmid
president, J. Schmid & Associates

Al Schmidt
president, Schmidt Group International

Robert Stevens
president, Growth Insight

Craig Winer
vice president, Garrett Wade

Maria Youth
director of catalog, Lenox Collections

Special thanks to
Kathy Hecht, general manager, small markets, Boise Office Solutions

Sal Ferraro, executive vice president, AGA Catalog Marketing and Design

If you would like to be a judge for next year’s Awards, please call Margery Weinstein at 203-358-4265 or e-mail her at [email protected].