FedEx, FedEx Express, UPS, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, global, global shipping, global fulfillment, global consumers, China, chinese market, chinese consumers, ecommerce

Chinese Rule Changes Ease Restrictions on Cross-Border Goods

| Daniela Forte

New guidance from the Chinese government on cross-border ecommerce has given merchants clarity on potential policy changes, making it easier for them to sell goods in popular categories like food, cosmetics and health supplements normally subject to stricter scrutiny. Here is what is expected from these changes and what it means for cross-border in China.

China, chinese shopping, chinese ecommerce, chinese market, global, global ecommerce, Growing Global, ecommerce, buying online, online marketplace, Marketplaces,, Taobao, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, logistics

Chinese Ecommerce Market Pegged at $1.7 Trillion by 2020

| Mike O'Brien

Despite some forecasts projecting a slowdown in ecommerce in China, a new report from Goldman Sachs sees the world’s largest online market continuing to boom over the next four years. The report pegged Chinese ecommerce sales at $750 billion in 2016 sales, coming from 460 million online shoppers, and projects a CAGR of 23% through 2020 – nearly triple the rate of offline sales. See what categories and companies are leading.

Walmart Increases Its Stake in

| Daniela Forte

Walmart announced it is once again increasing its stake in Chinese ecommerce marketplace to 12.1%, seeing this as a better route into the massive market than an asset-heavy play. See what this will mean for ecommerce in China moving forward.

Retail Trends from 2016 Will Drive Success in 2017

| Gregg Zegras

What were some of the retail and commerce drivers from 2016 that will continue to have an impact on 2017? As you conduct your holiday season postmortem and roadmap your 2017 plans, here are a few trends to mull over while celebrating the New Year.

Walmart and Expand China Partnership

| MCM Staff

Three months after entering into a strategic alliance to expand the breadth and convenience of online shopping options for Chinese consumers, Walmart and have announced a series of new ways for customers to access high-quality products from around the world. The initiatives include exclusive Sam’s Club store and a Walmart cross-border store on the platform and two-hour delivery from Walmart stores.