Preparing Your DC for Holiday Peak: A Continuous Process

Retail’s peak shipping season often represents 40% or more of annual sales stuffed into a roughly six-week frenzy of activity, and for that reason presents logistical challenges each year for fulfillment operations. But while much of the emphasis is placed on the period of hyper demand, in the bigger picture it’s about continuous improvement, with peak as a crucible of learning where takeaways are baked into the process.

At many companies, the planning process begins shortly after the New Year, or sometime in January after the dust settles from the “mini-peak” of gift card sales and returns. And as the summer wanes and fall beckons, operations management and staff are in the thick of “gear up” mode.

In this MCM Executive Summary, you’ll learn about:

  • Operations Special ReportHow peak operations fits into your continuous improvement process
  • Addressing staffing and labor management issues
  • Maximizing the use of your DC space
  • Focusing on maintenance to ensure uptime
  • Conducting post mortems and incorporating key learnings