logo Adds $98 Million in New Round

| Mike O'Brien, a startup founded during the pandemic aiming to be a one-stop shop for brands scaling up their ecommerce business, has raised $98 million in a Series B round to fuel further expansion, platform buildout and yet more acquisitions.

streaming TV screen feature

CPG Brands, Know the New Ad Playbook

| Jordan Rost

Long before DTCs and DNVBs rode social, mobile, and ecommerce to steal mindshare and market share, the earliest, largest CPG brands were built with broad reach on television. Ever since, a digital divide has separated winners and losers. Now, with streaming hot, TV has joined the upstarts in the CPG digital marketers’ basket. 

Stackline Raises $130M, Looks Ahead to IPO

| Mike O'Brien

Ecommerce technology provider Stackline has received $130 million in funding from UK-based private equity firm TA Associates, on top of a $50 million investment from Goldman Sachs’ growth equity team in November, using it to create new products, pursue foreign markets and look ahead to an IPO.

Report: Most Brands Seeing 4x ROI on Amazon Advertising

| Douglas P. Clement

With Amazon largely credited for the 115% spike in third quarter 2019 ecommerce ad spend, it’s no surprise that Feedvisor’s annual brand report shows 75% of brands selling on Amazon also advertise there. Feedvisor found 83% of brands advertising on Amazon saw a 4x return on ad spend, with half seeing 7x.

CMOs: Look Beyond the Basics to Create Relevance at Scale

| Laura Gurski

The big consumer brands that have long defined the industry are no longer untouchable. Rapidly changing consumer needs and expectations are creating a highly uncertain, disruptive environment – one full of challenges, but ripe with new possibility too.

Branding, ecommerce branding, ecommerce, Patagonia, brand audit

Brand Lessons for the New Retail World

| Aliza Pollack

With the last Christmas trees thrown to the curb, pine needles askew, let’s assume the retail industry is taking a breather and nursing a holiday hangover. Best not to break too long though as there are 10 more months to plan for and e-commerce to navigate.