Welcome Back, JCPenney Catalog

| Tim Parry

JCPenney said in 2009 that it was dropping catalogs because they had become a tool to browse merchandise before shopping online or in JCPenney stores.

Experience the Power of a Bookbook

| Tim Parry

Cute and timely video produced by IKEA, and resurfaced the same week of Apple’s latest technology splash. The narrator discusses the benefits of IKEA’s new “Bookbook,” and its high-res images, expandable “screen size,” etc.

5 Things the Catalog Ninja is Doing Right Now

| Steve Trollinger

No matter that seasonal orders are coming in later and later every year, Labor Day still represents the unofficial start of the fall/holiday season for most catalogers. here’s a look at five things any catalog ninja should be working on as the biggest season of the year gets going.

Catalogs Adapt to the New Omnichannel World

| Daniela Forte

Catalogs are alive and well for retailers in both the business-to-consumer and business-to-business sectors today. While catalogs may no longer be thought of as a selling channel, they are still considered an excellent marketing tool.