alt-commerce livestream shopping feature

Alt-Commerce: The Future of Consumer Buying and Selling

| Olivia Viniss

In recent years, a new wave of non-traditional, alt-commerce models has emerged, challenging our assumptions about consumer purchasing and preferences. Alt-commerce represents a radical shift in the way people buy and sell products. Innovation and technological advances, coupled with the need to foster closer customer relationships, have given rise to new selling channels.

FloorFound warehouse feature

FloorFound Expands Recommerce Network

| Mike O'Brien

FloorFound has expanded its nationwide recommerce network, including five facilities totaling 500,000 square feet of space and business intelligence software that helps retailers determine the best channel for maximizing resale value, plus an integration with project44’s supply chain platform.

grocery assortment

For CPGs, a Compelling Case to Turn Circular

| Natasha Pergl

For CPGs, it’s no longer a matter of if but when the circular economy will supplant the traditional linear take-make-use-dispose model of consumption. The race to tap emerging sources of value and capitalize on the circular economy is well underway. The edge likely will go to companies that mobilize to take these seven steps.