alibaba group, Alibaba, AliExpress, ecommerce, online marketplace, global ecommerce, Chinese ecommerce, cross-border ecommerce, online security, online security flaw, online security vulnerability, cyber security, cyber security threat

Why 2017 is the Time for SMBs to Prioritize Site Security

| Jimmy Duvall

Advances in technology enable us to do amazing things, among them the ability to buy almost anything you want online. With the rise of online shopping, we’ve seen an astronomical increase of personal data available online, and as a result there are now more fraudsters and thieves making careers out of stealing others’ data than ever. With small businesses, a breach could be catastrophic. Here is how small to medium-sized businesses can protect themselves from security breaches.

alibaba group, Alibaba, AliExpress, ecommerce, online marketplace, global ecommerce, Chinese ecommerce, cross-border ecommerce, online security, online security flaw, online security vulnerability, cyber security, cyber security threat

Alibaba Says It Has Addressed Online Security Vulnerability

| Mike O'Brien

Alibaba says it is doing all it can to keep on top of security issues that affect its ecommerce merchants, after a published report noted that an Israeli firm in late October found a security flaw in AliExpress, the company’s English language ecommerce site.