ecommerce technology

Is Automated Ecommerce Technology Sabotaging Your Business?

| Elaine Kwon

As brands increasingly focus on digital sales, they emphasize streamlining operations and automating logistics through ecommerce technology to effectively manage inventory systems, ad campaigns, etc. But software alone is not enough to guarantee positive outcomes, and when mismanaged, it can even do more harm than good.

dock-to-stock feature

Assessing Your Dock-to-Stock Efficiency

| Brian Barry

Dock-to-stock time is a KPI measuring the time from receipt on your dock to a pickable or bulk reserve location. The process involves aspects of purchase order writing, inbound transportation, receiving, staging, inspection and put away. Here’s eight steps to help you assess your processes, identify problems and lay out an action plan.

supply chain groovy digital image

Reducing Expenses by Streamlining Your Ecommerce Supply Chain

| Brian Barry

There are many opportunities to make your SCM more efficient, reduce costs and provide higher service levels to customers, including in sourcing, storage, fulfillment, distribution, IT and transportation. Here are four major ecommerce supply chain areas that you can streamline to reduce your overall fulfillment costs.

9 Considerations a Vendor Will Evaluate in Negotiating Deals

| Brian Barry

Whether it’s software or 3PL services you’re negotiating, it’s important to understand how vendors look at your company and the deal you want to cut. Understanding things from their perspective can help you forge successful vendor relationships. Here are 9 considerations to take into account when evaluating a prospective deal.

B2B ecommerce, B2B marketing, B2C ecommerce, B2C marketing, ecommerce, ecommerce website, personalization, website personalization, product personalization

EDI or B2B Ecommerce: That is the Question

| Bill Onion

B2B companies in this day and age are repeatedly encouraged to invest in electronic commerce to drive down the cost of customer interaction. Traditionally, B2B organizations first look to electronic data interchange (EDI) as an approach for this. However, more recently, B2B ecommerce has become another options for companies. Considering the fact that both systems process orders digitally, what exactly is the difference between them?