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How to Protect Digital Identities by Reducing Botnet Attacks

| Alisdair Faulkner

As data breaches become more sophisticated, cybercriminals are finding new ways to increase the efficiency of attacks aimed at gaining confidential information such as login and payment data. One way they are doing so is by using Bots, a software application that runs automated tasks. There are several ways you can reduce Botnet attacks while maintaining a balance between security and convenience.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

2016: The Year of Consumer-Centric Fraud Prevention

| Bill Zielke

It’s been a busy year for e-commerce. The convenience and choice available with online shopping continues to win more buyers, and this year for the first time the National Retail Federation reported that on Thanksgiving weekend, more people shopped online than in stores.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

Cybercrime Predictions 2016: The Year of the Digital Identity

| MCM Staff

ThreatMetrix outlines four main themes to emerge next year: businesses shifting to digital, cybersecurity moving to the c-suite, the threat of cyberattacks becoming increasingly global and heightened fraud strategies putting digital identity intelligence front and center.