retail media networks illustration feature

Retail Media and the Optimization Opportunity

| Skye Frontier

Retail media has grown under a confluence of factors which make measurement very difficult. This is mainly because both the ad nd sale take place within walled gardens. But if poor performing campaigns can be identified quickly, and dollars reallocated, brands can generate significant incremental sales with the same working budget. 

Ecommerce Marketers: ROAS Measurement Mistakes

| Darwin Liu

Most ecommerce businesses rely heavily on advertising to draw customers to their websites, and in the case of retargeting, remind them of past visits or past purchase intentions. When it comes to measuring return on ad spend (ROAS), here are four common pitfalls that ecommerce marketers must know how to navigate.

Don’t Be Afraid of Multichannel Marketing Attribution

| Eric Keating

Marketing attribution can be tricky. There are ways to get a better handle on multichannel marketing attribution for your own brand in order to see huge improvements in how you define the true ROI of your marketing. Here are four ways to make this easier for your brand.