SMS marketing dude on phone feature

SMS Marketing Over the Holidays: What it Means for 2023

| Greg Zakowicz

SMS marketing shows zero signs of slowing down. Once an up-and-coming channel, it’s now a must-have for ecommerce brands. Even with the growth, there’s still plenty of opportunity to capitalize on it, especially when combined with email marketing. Here are 5 takeaways from the 2023 holidays you can apply in the New Year.

MCM CommerceChat podcast

Uncommon Goods Steps Up Its SMS Marketing Game

| Mike O'Brien

Based in Brooklyn, NY, ecommerce crafts marketplace Uncommon Goods has been tested automated SMS campaigns, including for retargeting. Brian Hashemi, head of marketing and analytics for Uncommon Goods, talks about how the company is testing and learning with its SMS/email mix and working to increase personalization.

3 Customer Experience Trends That Will Last

| Ranga Bodla

The pandemic has accelerated customer experience and convenience trends that were previously gaining momentum. Now, some of those trends have become essential for businesses to offer safe shopping experiences. To know which ones are worth investing in, recognize which are fads and which will prevail long past next year.