Daniela Forte

Content Manager

[email protected] / DForteMCM

Rakuten’s Non-traditional Business Model

| Daniela Forte

CEO and chairman, Hiroshi Mikitani, explained the non-traditional business model at Rakuten during the IRCE conference this week and reminded attendees while it’s easy to get stuck in the technology of your business, it really is all about your customers.

Al Gore Speaks at IRCE

| Daniela Forte

Former Vice President of United States Al Gore came to speak at the Internet Retailer Conference in Chicago this week where told attendees that the internet and ecommerce is the fastest growing industry of the world. He told attendees they ought to think globally, no matter what industry they are in.

Warehouse, distribution center, retail operations management, ecommerce

Meeting Customer’s Delivery Expectations

| Daniela Forte

Are you setting shipping and delivery expectations to make the ecommerce experience less tricky for your customers. Some customers want their products quickly while others prefer a cheaper shipping option even if it takes longer, according to a blog post by Fifth Gear.

New Online Coupon Strategies

| Daniela Forte

With technology constantly changing, the way consumers find coupons online and the way they utilize creative ways to save money has changed too, according to this infographic by the Daily Infographic. The infographic shows how consumers can find coupons online through the use of email alerts, social media, mobile coupons and the use of live chat.

Google Continues Evolving Shopping Experience

| Daniela Forte

Google is steadily making changes to its online shopping experience for consumers. In just a few months, the search engine has made several announcements in order to compete with the likes of Amazon and its brands.

Mcommerce To Jump 25% by 2017

| Daniela Forte

In 2017, it is expected that 72% of all mobile retail sales will be done on tablets. Today, 15% of all online commerce will be conducted on mobile commerce, but that share is expected to reach 25% by 2017, according to this infographic by eMarketer.