Ken Magill

Your comments, please

| Ken Magill

Though some multichannel merchants still have yet to take the plunge into online customer product ratings and reviews, many of those who have are seeing

Upward Mobility

| Ken Magill

Mobile marketing has been the next big thing for a few years now, yet multichannel merchants have been slow to embrace the mobile channel. That could

Do You Have a Site Search Problem?

| Ken Magill

There are a Few Indicators when there’s a Problem with a Merchant’s Site Search Function. For one, if less than 25% of site searchers click on one of

Shore up your site search

| Ken Magill

Imagine a shopper walking into a men’s apparel store looking for a black suit. Then imagine a clerk telling him the shop doesn’t carry black suits and

Just do it

| Ken Magill

By now the evidence is overwhelming that behaviorally triggered marketing e-mails work like gangbusters that is, when they’re implemented. Trouble is,

Time for a chat?

| Ken Magill

Imagine a retail location with no sales clerks available to help people who have questions or can’t find products. That’s the state of an estimated three