Take action on data

| Tim Parry

In a world of algorithms, linear models, and neural network models, multichannel merchants often ask the same question: Now that we have data on our customers,

Legislative Update: DMA Finds Do-Not-E-mail Friend in the FTC

| Tim Parry

During a legislative update for members of the Direct Marketing Association’s Lists and Database Council earlier this month in New York, senior vice president of government affairs Jerry Cerasale said that the Can-Spam Act of 2003 should preempt commercial “do not e-mail” laws that are popping up in several states.

Five Trends to Drive Direct Marketing

| Tim Parry

Neural network models have been around since the 1940s, but most marketers still find them a bit of a mystery. The term can be sexy and threatening at the same time, but marketers still need to know when

Data Security Breach Notification Bill Likely to Pass

| Tim Parry

With four separate national data security breach notification bills being drafted in Washington, Direct Marketing Association senior vice president of government affairs Jerry Cerasale says the odds are “much higher” that one of them will pass by the end of the year.

Pulling the trigger

| Tim Parry

Before the Welcome Wagon arrives at a new homeowner’s door, the refinancing offers are already in their mailboxes. For that matter, so are the credit-card