same-day delivery

Same-day Delivery Rollouts Speed Up

| Tim Parry

The same-day delivery sweepstakes certainly seems to be heating up as the summer nears the end. Just this past week, Foot Locker, Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s all announced plans this week to test or roll out same-day delivery.

Boo: AdGooroo Unmasks Halloween Paid Search

| Tim Parry

Digital marketing firm AdGooroo did a post on its blog Monday to highlight the top Halloween paid search advertisers (based on AdWords impressions), as well as the top Halloween keywords (also based on AdWords impressions), between September 2012 and September 2013. The “Miley Cyrus Twerking” costume did not make the cut.

The Dawning of the Google (not provided) Age

| Stephan Spencer

Much to the fear and chagrin of SEOs, online marketers, and webmasters everywhere, Google has confirmed that it has begun work to encrypt all searches, once again reminding us all that we can either adapt or die. Two years ago, Google began encrypting searches for signed-in users.

Google Maps Street View Captures My Late Mom

| Tim Parry

Back in 2011, cars with Google cameras were driving slowly through my community, capturing images for its Google Maps Street View. And it captured a great moment with my and my wife’s families.