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MCM Tuesday May 15, 2015
International Payments – Let’s Talk Basics
If you’re not used to dealing with the exchange rates, making a currency transfer can seem downright foreign. For online retailers it may be something they have to deal with regularly, but something they don't understand. More…
Moss Bros Expands Internationally and Accepts Global Omnichannel Payments
Moss Bros’ existing payment service provider could not deliver the global reach and functionality to match its ambitions, so the business began searching for a new payments technology solution to accompany its website relaunch. See what the company did. More…
The Global Customer Experience Wakeup Call
When the customer experience goes wrong what is the impact to your business? See how a bad customer experience at the global level can do for your business. More…

Staples Expands Global Presence
Staples announces its plans to expand its global presence. See which countries made the list and what it will mean for Staples. More…
Sephora Opens Flagship Store on a Marketplace in China
Global beauty retailer Sephora has launched its first and only Chinese online flagship store on a marketplace used by consumers in China. Here's why Sephora says joining this marketplace will significantly help in its ecommerce and overall retail strategy for China. More…
Job Opportunities

Consumer Goods - Digital Marketing Commerce Solution Architect Manager
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Director of Operations
Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats,
Wittenberg, WI

Content Management Senior Manager for Automotive/Industrial/Travel Industry
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Sales and Marketing - CRM Architect -
Sr. Manager for Automotive/Industrial/
Travel Industry

Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Digital Value Architect - Strategist - Senior Manager 
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

CRM Strategist, Value Architect Manager 
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

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The Streamlined SKU: Using Analytics for Product Introductions
Are you handling thousands of SKUs on spreadsheets? Are your merchants and marketers frustrated with the time it takes to get products to market? Intricity and Informatica share a solution that will attack the entire lifecycle of product management.

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