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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant
June 11, 2015
MCM Thursday
How 1-800-Flowers Rode the Wave of Change
For 1-800-Flowers.com, connecting with people is what their business is all about. See how they rode the wave of change with their business. More…
The Fellowship of the Green Pants
The Windsor Circle team is very visible at industry trade shows because its team wears green pants. Loud green pants. Here's how that strategy had paid off in a big way for the customer retention service provider, and why you need to be different to stand out in a crowded room. More…
How To Turn a One-Time Buyer Into A Lifetime Buyer
It’s up to each business to make sure customers are happy at every stage of the shopping experience in order to gain repeat business. Here are some helpful tips that will promise a lifetime customer. More…

Jack Ma is Not Coming to Invade America
Relax, American ecommerce business owners - Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma is here to help you, not take over the American ecommerce landscape. Here's why Ma is making a U.S. tour to educate merchants about power of the Chinese consumer. More…
Walmart ShippingPass, Google Buy Button Crash Amazon’s Party
Walmart's ShippingPass will offer unlimited three-day delivery of eligible items purchased on Walmart’s website. Google’s buy button follows in the footsteps of Facebook and Twitter, which have both added similar functionality to enable purchases without navigating to a third-party site. Here's how both Walmart and Google will put pressure on Amazon. More…
Job Opportunities

Technical Content Experience Manager
Dell, Inc., Austin, TX

Events Sales Representative - Social & Special Events
Spring Studios, New York, NY

Director of Operations
Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats, Wittenberg, WI

Content Management Senior Manager for Automotive/Industrial/Travel Industry
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

AVP E-Commerce Operations
Ascena Retail Group, Inc., Greencastle, IN

E-Commerce Business Analyst
Accenture, Salt Lake City, UT

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Accelerate Global Growth While Reducing Risk
This highly engaging thought leadership paper draws on a Forrester Consulting survey of finance executives from 130 global branded manufacturers and digital service providers. The goal of the survey: to find out what keeps finance executives up at night related to their ecommerce-enabled global direct-to-consumer sales channel.

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