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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant
July 9, 2015
MCM Thursday
Digital Browsing and Consumer Intent
For most of us, 95% of our website traffic comes and goes without us knowing who the individual people were that passed through our digital store. More…
36% of Global Mobile Payments are Made on iPhone
iPhone devices account for a massive 35.6% of all browser-based transactions made using mobile devices, and are now used for 10.2% of all global online transactions, according to the most-recent Adyen Mobile Payments Index. So is it time to work on your Apple Pay strategy? Find out more here... More…
Take the Quiz: Is Your Business Teeming with Prospects, or Are You in a Prospect Desert?
Measuring your engaged shoppers, the ones “checking you out,” can tell you a lot about the health of your business. A high score in the quiz below indicates you’re primed to grow, because you are “rich” in potential customers. A low score means that you’re not attracting “fresh blood” to your brand. More…

Making Some Noise with your Email Campaign
There’s a whole school of thought out there that suggests bigger is always better, and by batching and blasting massive amounts of emails to anyone with an inbox, higher sales numbers would eventually be posted on the books. More…
5 Tips for Rethinking Your Brand Identity
Nothing cuts through market clutter like a strong brand identity that customers understand and respond well to. Here are 5 steps to help you get there. More…
Job Opportunities

Digital Marketing Manager Retail Industry
Accenture, Multiple Locations

E-Commerce Marketing Manager
Aeropost, Inc., Miami, FL

Director of Operations
Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats, Wittenberg, WI

Director of e-commerce
Sterling Resorts, Tampa, FL

Junior E-Commerce Business Analyst
Accenture, Salt Lake City, UT

Quality Assurance Manager (QAM), First Book Recipient Group E-Commerce Team
First Book, Washington, DC

Related Content

Managing Your Commerce Business Infrastructure: Reducing the Risk in the Direct-to-Consumer Channel
A successful ecommerce channel requires careful management of one’s commerce business infrastructure. This on-demand webinar is relevant to any company interested in learning how to effectively manage their “CBI” and reduce ecommerce risk.

How Product Information Management Maximizes Omnichannel Commerce
With customer expectations at a high, the slightest mistake in product information can be the difference between a converted sale and high return rate. Informatica discusses PIM implementations, giving insight into the positive impact on sales.

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