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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant
November 10, 2015
MCM Tuesday
What Can We Make Out Of Holiday Stats and Surveys? 
Multichannel Merchant's inbox has been inundated with surveys related to holiday shopping trends. So what can we make out of all of these surveys, and how will they affect your last-minute preparation for the 2015 holiday season? More…
Industry Changes Pave Way for Mobile Payment Boom
Last month, PayPal launched a new chip-card reader that will accept contactless mobile payments including Android Pay and Apple Pay. Simultaneously, credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard are changing fraud protection policies to favor chip-embedded cards over those with… More…
Mobile Apps are Springboard for the Holiday Shopping Season
Despite the proliferation of shopping channels, a recent study published by Oracle and Edison Research indicates that last year Christmas sales via smartphones and tablets were up 55%, and 37% of all online sales (or 8.9% of all total retail sales) were made directly via a mobile device. More…

How Ecommerce Marketers Are Boosting Checkout Conversion
When a consumer gets to the checkout section of your website, you're this close to closing the deal. See how ecommerce marketers are making the checkout process seamless. More…
Black Friday: Boom or Bust?
A survey by JDA recently found that over 50% of consumers who had an issue with home delivery of an online order over the past year say they are unlikely to shop with that retailer during the holiday season. See what other ways retailers could be impacted this holiday season. More…
Job Opportunities

Regional Marketing Lead - Analytics
MSCI, New York, NY

Account Director
WE Communications, San Francisco, CA

E-Commerce Clerk
Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley, Dayton, OH

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Bioprocess Services
GE Healthcare, Marlborough, MA

Product Marketing Manager - Consulting Services
Dell, Inc., Atin, TX

Field Marketing Manager
Dell, Inc., Aliso Viejo, CA

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Checking in On Checking Out
When a customer abandons cart does it mean they aren’t coming back? Not necessarily. Detailed in this report, Checking In On Checking Out, find out why it is important to do everything you can to ensure the customer has not forgotten you and the relationship is not entirely lost. Find out where and why shoppers are dropping out of the purchase process and what ways to prevent it.

Next Gen Information & Data Management for Commerce Relevancy
Retail has evolved from single/siloed channels to omnichannel. This FitForCommerce paper explores changing expectations and buying behaviors; the critical role of a PIM solution; using PIM solutions to combine product and customer data; and more.

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