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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant
March 10, 2015

Upselling Done Right Boosts Sales and Satisfaction
Even when upselling succeeds, it can result in buyer’s remorse if the customer later realizes the upsold item was not really wanted -- that breeds resent, which erodes loyalty. Following these tips will optimize chances of converting customers, and making sure they feel good about it. More...

Solving the Affiliate Management Gap
Smaller retailers have been particularly challenged with running a quality affiliate program, an important component of most modern marketing strategies. More...

Optimizing Your Ecommerce Site for Impulse Sales
Whether it’s for an upcoming birthday, anniversary, or holiday, knowing when to post can bring a tremendous advantage to your business. Let’s explore how we can utilize some best practices for enabling and optimizing for impulse shopping on your ecommerce site. More...

How Personal Are You Getting With Shoppers?
When it comes to personalized shopping experiences, customers today are expecting a lot from retailers. See how personal is too personal and what you can enhance the shopping experience. More...

Mobile Commerce Matters More Than Ever
If there is one major lesson merchants learned during the 2014 holiday season, it’s that mobile mattered more than ever. Mobile commerce went from being a necessary evil to an overnight game-changer. And the merchants that got on board with mobile commerce reaped the benefits of the iOS and Android-armed shoppers. More...


Job Opportunities

Digital Value Architect Manager for Automotive/Industrial/
​Travel Industry

Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Sales and Marketing - CRM Architect - Sr. Manager for Automotive/Industrial/Travel Industry
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Content Management Senior Manager for Automotive/ Industrial/Travel Industry
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

eCommerce Senior Manager for Automotive/Industrial/Travel Industry
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Software Development Staff Engineer - Test (SDET)

Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

Senior Marketing Manager
AmericasMart Atlanta, Atlanta, GA

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How Product Information Management Maximizes Omnichannel Commerce

With customer expectations at a high, the slightest mistake in product information can be the difference between a converted sale and high return rate. Informatica discusses PIM implementations, giving insight into the positive impact on sales.

The Informed Purchase Journey
In an omnichannel world of multi-language, attribute-heavy SKUs, products aren’t the hardest to handle. It’s the data that comes with them. Download this ebook on getting product data right to help customers buy from you.



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