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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant
July 27 , 2015
MCM Tuesday
Capturing and Captivating the Impulse Buyer
Summer's here and the time is right… for buying a new cooler. Your potential customer needs to replace his aging one, but how will you capture this impulse buyer? More…
Brazil a Lucrative but Complex Market for Cross-Border Trade
Brazil represents a complex but lucrative market for cross-border ecommerce, one that Alibaba's AliExpress discount marketplace has learned to crack. More…
The 5 Lifecycle Stages of an Online Shopper
Managing your customer relationships based on lifecycle stages is a powerful way to increase engagement and loyalty. Here's why deployment of data-driven retention campaigns improves your ability to engage, monetize and retain customers, resulting in long-lasting customer relationships and an improved bottom line. More…

True Checkout Abandonment Can Be Reduced by 13%
A site abandonment survey of more than 60,000 ecommerce shoppers by Bizrate Insights found that retailers can reduce abandonment of those customers who visited with the intent to buy, but didn’t complete a purchase, by listening to their problems and their proposed solutions. More…
It’s Not Too Early to Start Planning for the Holidays
As you begin to plan for the holiday season, be sure to look for ways to strengthen the foundation of your commerce marketing. Here are several tips that will make the holidays brighter for your business. More…
Job Opportunities

Software Development Principal Engineer E-Commerce-PW15
Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

Digital Marketing Commerce Solution Architect Manager
Accenture, Atlanta, GA

Coordinator, Digital Development
The Bowery Mission, New York, NY

Marketing and Publications Director
NTEN: Nonprofit Technology Network, Portland, OR

Software Engineer II
Raytheon, Annapolis Junction, MD

Technical Content Experience Manager
Dell, Inc., Round Rock, TX

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Why “Everyone Wins” when Issuers and Merchants Collaborate
See how you can prevent chargebacks faster and avoid costly penalties by collaborating with Issuers to resolve disputes.

Next Gen Information & Data Management for Commerce Relevancy
Retail has evolved from single/siloed channels to omnichannel. This FitForCommerce paper explores changing expectations and buying behaviors; the critical role of a PIM solution; using PIM solutions to combine product and customer data; and more.

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