Postal Service to file rate settlement pact with PRC

(Direct Newsline) The U.S. Postal Service was set Thursday to make a motion with the Postal Rate Commission to accept the rate case settlement it negotiated with more than 20 mailer groups. This settlement calls for rates to go up by an average of 8.7% this June. Earlier this month, Dan Foucheaux, the USPS chief ratemaking counsel, recommended that the postal Board of Governors accept the settlement agreement. If the PRC signs off on the pact, it would reduce the length of its proceedings from 10 months, as required by law, to less than five months and would be the first time that a major rate case has been resolved in this manner. A settlement would also allow the PRC to file its recommendations on the proposed rate increase with postal governors in February or March instead of late May or early June. The agreement was signed by more than 30 mailer groups and other active participants in the case.