Follow the Leaders: Richard Sexton

Content Manager

RichardSextonNAME: Richard Sexton
COMPANY: Carolina Rustica
JOB TITLE: President

Here’s how social media helps me in my everyday life: Pretty sure I could not exist without social media…it delivers curated content that I can access anytime across any device….when I want it.

Here’s how social media helps my business grow: By far the best way to reach out to customers in a non-commercialized environment. It allows us to present a more well-rounded view of the company

The best lesson I learned about social media is: It’s all about consistency. If you are not keeping up with a particular channel, and don’t have time, then drop it and concentrate on the social media channels that work for you.

My favorite channel to shop in is (enter a channel – ecommerce, bricks-and-mortar, etc.), because: I really hate shopping…period, so my wife is my favorite shopping channel!

When I’m not shopping on my own site, my favorite place to shop is: If I am forced to go shopping, then I prefer stores that reflect my interests, like Dicks Sporting Goods or Barnes and Noble

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If there’s one merchant I could emulate, it’s: In my opinion, nobody has a more intuitive and personalized interface than Amazon. They’ve gotten to where they are for good reason.

The biggest technology enhancement I need to help grow my business is: A magical Google algorithym forecaster. After that, a better way to generate unique and useful content for our hundred suppliers.

My favorite place to travel for business is:Chicago, since I went to school there (Kellogg at Northwestern). Go Cats!

When I’m not travelling for business, I like to visit: Sunset Beach, NC….once we get there, its instant relaxation and no work is allowed.

The best advice I received from a boss, friend, mentor or family member is:Giving credit and praise to those who work for you does not diminish your own accomplishments, it enhances them.

When I’m not working, I’m: Swimming. Biking. Running. Rinse and repeat.

My hidden talent is: I can hold my breath for a very long time!

If I could have one superhero power, it would be: To avoid superhero questions faster than a speeding bullet.

If I went to my high school class reunion today, my classmates would say: You still haven’t combed your hair?

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a: A monster. I wasn’t picky…werewolf, vampire, mummy. Any would have been fine.