Word of Mouth Tactics and Strategies to Drive Sales

You want more people to talk about you— but how do you create a word of mouth marketing campaign? Join us and you’ll learn how to energize your fans and generate positive word of mouth about your brand and drive sales.

We’re going to get specific here: Where to start, what to do, and how to make it successful. Guess what? It’s common-sense stuff that you can use the next day without a big budget. You’ll learn how to:

  • Find the right people to talk about you (influencers and evangelists)
  • Give them something to talk about (viral content and buzz)
  • Create tools to make it easier for them to spread the word (social media and offline)
  • Participate in the conversation
  • Track and measure the results

Speaker: Andy Sernovitz, Author, Word of Mouth Marketing & CEO, SocialMedia.org and WordofMouth.org

