USPS Oshkosh delivery van feature

USPS Now Looks to June 2024 for EV Delivery

| Mike O'Brien

The USPS won’t receive EVs from Oshkosh until June 2024, nine months behind schedule, which was revealed in a court document related to lawsuits against the USPS and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. A raft of attorneys general and environmental groups threaten to seek removal of a litigation stay if any more gas-powered vehicles are purchased before an environmental review is completed.

Ryder BrightDrop van feature

Ryder Rolling Out 4,000 BrightDrop EV Vans by 2025

| Mike O'Brien

Ryder System Inc. plans to purchase 4,000 light-duty electric vans for its rental, leasing and dedicated fleets from General Motors-owned BrightDrop by 2025, with its first order of 200 vehicles going into service this year, as it looks to meet customer EV demand and keep up with various state mandates.