FedEx, FedEx Express, UPS, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, global, global shipping, global fulfillment, global consumers, China, chinese market, chinese consumers, ecommerce

China’s Shoppers Are Getting More Mobile-Savvy

| Tim Parry

China’s shoppers are becoming even more cross-border-savvy, PayPal Director of Global Initiatives Melissa O’Malley told Growing Global 2016 attendees during her keynote session on April 13 in Cincinnati.

A Deep Dive Into the 2014 Pitney Bowes Global Online Shopping Study

| Tim Parry

A successful international strategy centers on providing buyers with clarity and accuracy in the online buying process, certainty and transparency in delivery, and competitive pricing. Here’s a deep dive into the results of the 2014 Pitney Bowes Global Online Shopping Study results.