Demi Lovato Influences Cyber Monday Shoppers
Several major online retailers and pop star Demi Lovato generated a lot of buzz around Cyber Monday. See how Twitter played a role.
Several major online retailers and pop star Demi Lovato generated a lot of buzz around Cyber Monday. See how Twitter played a role. CEO Patrick M. Byrne took to Twitter to announce that within 24-hours of implementing Bitcoin as a possible payment option, his company received $130,000 in orders paid in the crypto-currency.
At Forrester’s inaugural Forum For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals, speakers are debating the role that digital disruption will play in eBusiness. Here are a sampling of tweets from Day 1 of the Forum, which began Oct. 25 in Chicago.
Tweets from Conversion Conference #convcon The Conversion Conference was held Oct. 9-10, 2012 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Here is a sampling of tweets from the conference. Storified by MultichannelMerchant