| MCM staff

An automated e-mail response costs about 25 cents per incident, compared to $1 for knowledge-based self-service, $6 for interactive voice response, $8

Have It Your Way

| David Pluviose

Instead of having to fumble through layers of pre-designed computer interfaces, you can now customize your warehouse inventory control interface to give


| MCM staff

If different tasks proceed at different rates, try to arrange work steps so that the faster process is executed before the slower one If your WMS is building

No Clue

| Lew Waddey

Total pricing for 3PF services is about 18% to 22% of gross sales Following the stock market, consumer confidence indices, and recent earnings reports

Sticker Shock

| Richard Sawyer

Pay up or lose: An in-depth look at the soaring costs of electronic customer relationship management

Civil Discourse

| Liz Kislik

Periodic meetings are needed in units with four or more workers In the work that I do with client companies on targeted change and improvement programs,

Chain Reaction

| Ernie Schell

Paper-driven processes invariably push up operating costs Many catalog companies don’t even realize they have a supply chain, or if they do, it’s a one-dimensional


| Lawrence Dean Shemesh

Dot-com fever unearthed some pockets of pure gold ore, but many prospectors were left with only a few shiny rocks. The Forty-niners just may have a few things to teach the Ninety-niners