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O+F Advisor

Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics

February 26, 2014

O+F Advisor
Subscription Commerce Success Visualized
5 Ways Online Retailers Can Empower Frontline Customer Service Reps
What America Wants and Needs from the USPS
The Key to Omnichannel Success: A Strong Logistics Strategy
Your Opinion is Worth $500… or an iPad Air
It’s Customer Experience, Not Customer Service, at Moosejaw

Subscription Commerce Success Visualized

By Daniela Forte


Acquisition and conversion may still be getting the lion's share of marketing budgets, but the ROI on retention efforts is higher than ever. No matter what your business does, subscription programs represent a great opportunity to maximize recurring revenue, retention & lifetime value.


5 Ways Online Retailers Can Empower Frontline Customer Service Reps

By Chris Vodola


Every customer touchpoint gives you, the retailer, the opportunity to deliver a “wow” experience -- one that keeps the customer coming back and telling their friends about the experience. Get back to basics with these five tactics for empowering your customer service employees while simultaneously ensuring your customers feel taken care of when they reach out for help.


What America Wants and Needs from the USPS

By Erin Lynch


In order to gain a better perspective into the types of compromises and service changes the American public is willing to accept from the United States Postal Service, the Office of the Inspector General commissioned a small focus group to see where the public stood on funding, delivery locations, delivery days, and the overall future of the postal service.


The Key to Omnichannel Success: A Strong Logistics Strategy

By Maria Haggerty


Consumers want more flexibility in shipping and fulfillment, including the ability to select delivery dates and times, and to reroute packages based on personal preferences. With consumers placing a heavy emphasis on shipping in retail decision-making, it’s critical for retailers to explore new ways to leverage logistics strategy as a driver of omnichannel success.


Your Opinion is Worth $500… or an iPad Air

By Tim Parry


Multichannel Merchant wants your input for its MCM Outlook 2014 reports. If you give us 5 minutes of your time to take our survey, we'll give you a chance to win an iPad Air. Already have one? Then you can trade your prize in for a $500 American Express gift card.


It’s Customer Experience, Not Customer Service, at Moosejaw

By Erin Lynch


As the associate project manager at Moosejaw Mountaineering, Jerry Hoopfer prides himself on the fact that his staff has an unwavering ability to take ownership of customer contact. Hoopfer took some time to get candid about customer service, social media, and who, in his opinion, is mastering the customer service space right now in this Q&A with Multichannel Merchant.


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