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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant

July 31 , 2013

MCM Thursday Plans to Eliminate Over 100 Jobs By End of 2013
Responsive Design: Friend or Foe?
Hanes to Acquire Maidenform Brands for $575 Million
NRF Survey Sees Decrease in Back-to-School Spending This Year
Delivering the Omnichannel Promise This Holiday Season
Executive Summary: Fraud Prevention and Payment Management Plans to Eliminate Over 100 Jobs By End of 2013

By Daniela Forte announced its plans this week to centralize operations from Europe to its New York City headquarters, according to a recent blog post written by CEO and founder Jason Goldberg.


Responsive Design: Friend or Foe?

By Erin Lynch

As smartphones and tablets catch up to the desktop as a popular shopping device for consumers, more and more retailers are revamping their marketing strategies and ecommerce websites to include responsive design. But is that a good thing?


Hanes to Acquire Maidenform Brands for $575 Million

By Erin Lynch

Clothing retailer Hanes has announced that it will acquire intimate apparel retailer Maidenform to the tune of $575 million.


NRF Survey Sees Decrease in Back-to-School Spending This Year

By Daniela Forte

It’s that time of year again, back-to-school, and according to the National Retail Federation families with school-age children will spend less this year.


Delivering the Omnichannel Promise This Holiday Season

By Daniela Forte

What is the best way to reach and secure the anytime, anywhere consumer this holiday season? According to Brandon Jenkins, general manager of etail and retail for NetSuite, the answer is omnichannel.


Executive Summary: Fraud Prevention and Payment Management

By Tim Parry

As more shoppers are making their purchases globally and consumers are demanding faster shipping times, the threat of fraud for both consumers and retailers is growing rapidly. In this Executive Summary from Multichannel Merchant, you will learn: Which technologies merchants use to reduce the risk of fraud. Best practices for combating fraudulent activity. Strategies for [...]


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