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News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant

March 19 , 2014

MCM Thursday
Why Merchants Need to Quickly Adopt EMV and mPOS
SmartHub Report Finds Delivery Times Nearly Doubled over Cyber Monday
Will Marketplaces Devour Ecommerce?
Fresh Pair Combats Technology Challenge with Adaptive Navigation
How to Master the Art of Social Commerce
The Power of Video for Small Business

Why Merchants Need to Quickly Adopt EMV and mPOS

By Benny Nachman

The recent Target data breach, together with a series of other events in recent years, have moved Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) adoption in the U.S. from a possibility to a near reality.


SmartHub Report Finds Delivery Times Nearly Doubled over Cyber Monday

By MCM Staff

So how did over 230 of the leading merchants fare during the 2013 Cyber Monday? This report analyzed retailers response to shipping and delivery timing, free shipping, promotions, returns and customer service.


Will Marketplaces Devour Ecommerce?

By Ellen Shannon

At Catalyst 2014, ChannelAdvisor CEO Scot Wingo was referring to the growing dominance of marketplaces, notably Amazon’s and eBay’s, and the fact that marketplaces are outpacing the growth in general ecommerce websites.


Fresh Pair Combats Technology Challenge with Adaptive Navigation

By Daniela Forte

Fresh Pair is in the process of replacing its static, one-size-fits-all navigation with an adaptive navigation solution by Compare Metrics.


How to Master the Art of Social Commerce

By Nissim Lehyani

One potential solution to the ecommerce overcrowding problem is for companies to focus their attention on the internet's equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising – social media.


The Power of Video for Small Business

By MCM Staff

Leading retailers including Zappos and Old Spice are known for their online videos, but more often than not, brands are missing out on this critical element of their content strategy.


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