Multichannel Merchant
week of 12/8/21
AWS Outage Plays Havoc, Delays Peak Deliveries
An hours-long outage from Amazon Web Services (AWS) caused all manner of global havoc on Tuesday, shutting down government and private websites, robotic vacuums and popular streaming services as well as idling Amazon facilities as networks and apps went dark and operations ground to a halt.
Why Yesterday’s Carrier Strategy Has Expired
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic-driven spike in ecommerce, a nagging labor shortage and supply chain issues have put capacity at a premium and left shippers struggling to keep up. This report explores ways today’s retail and ecommerce shippers must pursue a carrier strategy that would have seemed unthinkable just two years ago.
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Reduce Your Fulfillment Costs

Are your fulfillment costs climbing due to increased ecommerce order volume? See how a 3PL can help you save on space, labor and shipping.
Check out the infographic.

DoorDash Promises 10-15-Minute Delivery in NYC
Utilizing a team of employees vs. its bread-and-butter gig workers, DoorDash is rolling out 10-15-minute delivery of 2,000 grocery and essential items in New York from a DashMart store in the Chelsea neighborhood, the company said. Main rival Instacart is also working on a 15-minute delivery service, according to reports.
7 Operational Strategies to Remain Competitive and Efficient
As you conduct strategic planning for fulfillment, what are the operational strategies you should consider to remain competitive and be efficient in the future? This post looks at 7 trends that are shaping operations in multichannel companies. Note: MCM will start featuring popular Top Hit posts like this one in a new e-newsletter.
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It's Time To Refresh Your Carrier Strategy

With so much disruption, retail and ecommerce shippers need to seriously reevaluate their carrier strategy. Read the latest Multichannel Merchant special report, Why Yesterday’s Carrier Strategy Has Expired, where industry experts discuss the need for more flexibility and adaptability in carrier strategy.

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Inventory Management Complexities Are Here to Stay

Check out Multichannel Merchant’s latest special report, Inventory Management Gets Trickier As Forces Collide, to stay ahead of inventory management challenges. Read now to hear what analysts are observing and what companies like Burton and Firstleaf are doing to help mitigate inventory management struggles.

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