Multichannel Merchant
Hits of the Week

week of 6/15/2020
International shippers are going to face increased postal rates on July 1 as a September agreement among member countries of the 192-member Universal Postal Union (UPU) takes effect, with the U.S.’s self-declared terminal dues rates going into effect for inbound letters and small parcels.
PayPal has a reputation for safety and security, which makes it the first choice for many ecommerce businesses that need to have a way to accept online payments. Unfortunately, fraud and criminal activities still occur there as elsewhere. Here are 5 PayPal scams any ecommerce seller using the widespread service should watch out for.
One impact of the continuing COVID-19 crisis is omnichannel fulfillment operations need to do more with less to comply with safety protocols and restrictions. This special report explores different factors behind system decisions in light of the pandemic, with a particular focus on workforce limitations and unpredictable demand.
Social media is one of the best ways to market your business. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have millions (or even billions) of active monthly users, and you can easily reach out to them by sharing relevant and interesting content. Here are 5 common mistakes you need to avoid in social media marketing.

FedEx Follows Suit with COVID-19-Related Peak Surcharges for Shippers

Warehouse Exchange Cuts a Different Path in Warehouse on Demand Space

6 Ways Fashion Retailers Can Connect with Customers with Stores on Pause

The Significance of Shops for Facebook, Sellers, Ecommerce

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