Multichannel Merchant
Ecommerce & Marketing
week of 3/24/21
Peapod Digital Labs, Quotient Partner on Price/Promotion Tool
Peapod Digital Labs, a division of Dutch grocery giant Ahold Delhaize, has partnered with Quotient to develop a tool that helps retailers and CPGs reach more shoppers with their discount promotions by targeting programmatic media spend based on real-time analysis of loyalty and pricing data. Ahold has 2,000 stores in the U.S.
The Pandemic Retail Reset and its Tax Implications
With 2020 in the rearview, retailers are seeing increased ecommerce sales, expanding into new markets and demographics. But emerging legislation presents a wild card, and states are auditing more closely to recapture lost sales tax revenue. Join MCM and Vertex expert Pete Olanday in this live webinar that explores the issues.
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Sales Tax Compliance in 2021– Are You at Risk?

Over the last year, you’ve evolved. You’re offering BOPIS, or in-store returns, or maybe you’re using a closed store to fulfill ecommerce orders. This is all great for sales and customer experience, but it comes with tax consequences. Sales tax rules and rates vary across transaction types, location, timing, and many other factors. Check out the latest special report by Multichannel Merchant for key insights

5 Ways to Improve the Mobile Payment Experience
Mobile payment has never been more important, with an estimated 70% of all ecommerce sales to come from it by 2022. However, just implementing that option isn’t enough. It’s crucial to make the mobile payment experience as seamless as possible. Here are 5 of the most effective ways to improve the mobile payment experience.
Building New Product Buzz With Instagram Videos
Nowadays, retail and DTC brands are using visual content such as product demo videos adnd how-to videos to make an entry into consumers’ hearts and minds. So, why should you use Instagram videos and how can they create buzz? Here are some compelling reasons, as well as some best practices for getting attention on Instagram.
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Your Guide to Personalization in a Post-3P Cookie World

Don’t wait until 3P cookies are gone for good. Learn how to deliver a personalized customer experience and continue to find and convert prospects without them now. Start preparing for a post-3P cookie world here.

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The 3PL “It List” is Here

Choosing the right 3PL for your business can lead to lower cost per order, smoother scaling, lowered shipping costs, easier distribution of international orders, and so much more. Check out this year’s Top 3PLs list to find the best fit for your company in 2021.

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