Blair Lyon

[email protected]

2014: Things Just Got Personal

| Blair Lyon

As we stand at the threshold of 2014, it’s only natural to wonder what the new near will bring. If 2013 was the year of ecommerce, 2014 is set to be the year of personalization.

10 Ways to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

| Blair Lyon

While there is no silver bullet for reducing shopping cart abandonment, online merchants that attack the issue from many angles will achieve the best results. The good news is that organizations have an arsenal of powerful strategies at their disposal, each designed to address specific reasons for shopping cart abandonment. Here are 10 effective strategies you should try to keep cart abandonment rates low and conversion rates high.

Why Merchants Need to Take a Look at Pinterest

| Blair Lyon

According to Shareaholic, Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined. Given the power of Pinterest to drive website traffic, it is critical for brands to consider a strategy for using Pinterest. Here are some tips to get started.