Vacant Selects Could Produce Customers

Have you tried mailing to a U.S. Postal Service “vacant” address? Andrew Kapochunas of Dun & Bradstreet says there could be a business-to-business prospect at that location, even if the USPS says there isn’t.

Kapochunas, who works in D&B’s customer data quality department, said at MeritDirect’s co-op last week in White Plains, NY, that the USPS is supposed to give the designation to any address that has been vacant for 90 days or more.

But that’s not always how it is used. If the mailbox or slot is full, the carrier can designate the address vacant to prevent additional mail from being routed.

A full mailbox could just mean the business owner was sick, or away on vacation, not that the address is vacant. Even if the company at that address has closed or moved, it’s possible that a new business will soon move in at that address.

Kapochunas said that business merchants who have tested that category, mailing to it as “or the current business at this address,” have found it to be a responsive select. In fact, they’re often the first vendor in their category to reach a new or just-moved-in business.

“When you’re the first vendor to reach a new business, you often get incredibly loyal customers,” Kapochunas said.