Ahmed Naiem

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How Brands Can Succeed At Cross-Border In the Age of Amazon

| Ahmed Naiem

Retailers cannot ignore the force that is Amazon, because they’ve been a game changer in the world of ecommerce, making their name synonymous with online shopping. But are shoppers in other markets getting the same outstanding customer experience that millions of loyal Prime members in the U.S. have come to expect? Here are tips on how merchants can capitalize on Amazon’s weaknesses in cross-border ecommerce by differentiating after the click.

ecommerce mobile transaction

Dos and Don’ts of Mobile Commerce for Global Retailers

| Ahmed Naiem

PayPal research shows m-commerce growing three times faster than e-commerce (42% CAGR vs 13%), from $102 billion to $291 billion, from 2013 to 2016. Despite this trend, only a tiny fraction of retailers are reaping the benefits from offering a truly excellent mobile experience. Here is what global retailers should be doing—and not doing—when it comes to mobile strategy.

The Fate of Your Cross-Border Customer Could Hinge on Shipping

| Ahmed Naiem

Shipping matters big time to online consumers. And it matters even more to cross-border customers, because, most likely, shipping cost is a higher percentage of product cost for them than for domestic shoppers. For those that can provide superior customer experiences in this area, however, shipping and delivery can be a key differentiator.

What’s Your Customer’s Preferred Payment Method?

| Ahmed Naiem

Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal are accepted in many but not all countries, and, even when accepted, they are often not the most popular payment methods. In many places, restricting your shoppers to only these forms of payment may prevent many would-be consumers from clicking to buy. Here are just a few examples, four of which comprise more than 40 percent of the world’s population.