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Week In Review: Bubble Wrap Becomes Unbreakable

| MCM Staff

Pop… Pop… Pop Pop… Pop…
Well, that’s a series of sounds we may not hear anymore, shortly after a co-worker or a family member opens a package. That’s because Sealed Air’s “unpoppable” Bubble Wrap protective packaging solution is now commercially available worldwide.
Read on and find out what this means for Bubble Wrap aficionados and your packaging, and what else was big news this week.

Office Depot

Amazon Said to be Eyeing Office Depot Assets

| MCM Staff

Amazon is reportedly considering an acquisition of Office Depot’s corporate business assets to jumpstart its Amazon Business office supply operation. The deal is contingent on FTC approval of the Office Depot-Staples merger, which it has opposed to date, but may be close to signing off on.

Do You Plan to Increase Catalog Circulation in 2016?

| MCM Staff

Do you plan to increase or decrease your catalog circulation in 2016? Multichannel Merchant associate editor Daniela Forte asked this question to attendees of NEMOA directXchane in Boston March 9-11, and here is what she found out.

Week in Review: Amazon As Expected Buys Into Air Freight

| MCM Staff

Ending months of speculation, Amazon says it has leased 20 Boeing 767 cargo jets from Air Transport Services Group Inc., while taking a 20% stake in the Ohio company. This gives Amazon a significant boost in its air freight capacity, as much as 15%, and signals to the major carriers it is eager to control more of its logistics destiny.


Linio Selects Payoneer to Disburse Cross-Border Payments

| MCM Staff

Linio, Latin America’s largest ecommerce store, has selected Payoneer Inc. to power its payments to sellers worldwide. The partnership will provide international sellers access to the estimated $88 billion Latin-American ecommerce market through Linio’s 8 localized platforms, by allowing them to receive their funds using Payoneer’s payment solutions.