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Week in Review: Wayfair Just Had the Best. Week. Ever.

| MCM Staff

Between posting 98% growth in Q4 direct sales, plans for Canadian and European expansion and a new analytics-driven catalog, Wayfair had a pretty good week. The company also announced plans to open its fourth customer service center in Bryan, TX. See what other news and events transpired this week in the world of direct-to-customer retail and ecommerce.

Week in Review: UPS Invests in Deliv to Learn About Same-Day Market

| MCM Staff

UPS took a big leap this week by investing in crowdsourced startup Deliv, getting a seat on its board and a front-row seat on its operating model. Stay tuned to see how the carrier is able to leverage this relationship to better understand and take advantage of the burgeoning sector of the on-demand economy.

Visa Checkout Further Expands Global Reach

| MCM Staff

Visa Inc., has announced that its Visa Checkout will be further expanding its availability to several more countries, see which countries have made the cut and what this will mean for global merchants and customers.

retail imports

Retail Imports to Grow 4.5% in the First Half of 2016

| MCM Staff

Retail imports based on cargo volume at the nation’s major retail container ports is expected to decline year-over-year for the next few months but the first half of the year should still amount to a 4.5% increase compared with the same period last year, according to the National Retail Federation.

At the same time, import volumes are returning to West Coast ports after the labor issues that plagued the first half of 2015. Busy East Coast ports like New York and New Jersey saw large spikes in the double digits last year, as shippers sought alternate means to ensure product delivery, even if it meant significantly longer transit times.

NRF, National Retail Federation

NRF Predicts Retail Sales to Grow 3.1% in 2016

| MCM Staff

As wage stagnation eases, job growth continues and consumer confidence remains steady, the National Retail Federation is calling for 3.1% growth in retail industry spending, despite economic headwinds such as ongoing concerns about China, according to NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay.