Angel Morales

Customer Intelligence is the Key to Success

| Angel Morales

For the last few decades retailers have understood the need to know their customers. Some are doing more email segmentation, others are doing display ad targeting and yet others are doing on-site messaging. Here’s why this is the year of automated customer intelligence which has the potential to change our industry.

Redefining the Buzzword “Omnichannel”

| Angel Morales

The term omnichannel has been used and abused more than the only chew toy at the local animal shelter. Along with her sister term big data, omnichannel has recently been positioned by countless analysts, retailers and vendors to mean, well, almost anything. This article breaks down omnichannel into the three most common sub-definitions.

Behavioral Marketing Program Increases Conversion Rates for Footwear etc.

| Angel Morales

With technology ever-changing and new products flooding the market on a daily basis, retailers need to step up their game and their sales strategies in order to stay ahead. Like most merchants, Footwear etc., a California-headquartered retailer that sells a large selection of shoe brands online and through nine stores, was struggling to turn browsers into buyers.