Barbara Arnn

E Is for Easy

| Barbara Arnn

The e-tailing group has published the results of its 6th Annual Mystery Shopping Survey, conducted in the fourth quarter of 2003. Using ten must-have

WMS Boosts Facility Performance

| Barbara Arnn

Warehouse management systems have become more common than not among manufacturers, retailers, and 3PLs. At least that is the case among the 131 respondents

Productivity Countdown

| Barbara Arnn

Industrial engineers commonly assume a maximum productivity rate of two-thirds in the absence of measurable labor standards. As an initial segment of

A Defining Moment

| Barbara Arnn

This year’s annual conference of the Council of Logistics Management, held in Chicago, witnessed a milestone in the history of logistics and supply chain

Fulfillment Front and Center

| Barbara Arnn

Companies that are currently spending, or planning to spend, significant parts of their IT budgets on supply chain management technology are especially

Cui Bono?

| Barbara Arnn

A new study from the Warehousing Education and Research Council titled 2003 Warehousing Benefits Programs offers a detailed look at the benefits that

Born Again

| Barbara Arnn

Can it really be only five years since online consumers were first identified? Forrester Research Inc. claims first to have defined this creature in a

Not My SKU

| Barbara Arnn

Something about returns suggests error someone, somehow, has miscalculated. That aura has helped establish a market for companies such as,

Herculean Effort

| Barbara Arnn

A new study from the firm that first used the phrase supply chain management, Booz Allen Hamilton, suggests that the discipline is still far from mature.