Darwin Liu

darwin@xagency.com / mobrien@accessintel.com

Darwin Liu is the founder and CEO of X Agency. He believes in the power of strategic digital marketing and always finding the best way to not only bring in new customers but retain them for his clients. Darwin cut his teeth as an entry-level account manager at a large agency and quickly rose through the ranks to become the fastest promoted at the agency. He managed digital strategy for the largest accounts which totaled over $50M in annual spending. Throughout this time, Darwin established himself as a thought leader in the industry. In June 2017, he made the tough yet obvious decision to launch X Agency. Drawing from his experience in digital marketing, Darwin focused his attention on growing his agency which has hit consistent growth milestones. He also founded AmericanBully.com, an ecommerce company selling premium apparel and accessories for Bully breeds.

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7 Steps to Meeting Ecommerce Marketing Objectives

| Darwin Liu

Can ecommerce marketing campaigns really fail by something as mundane as failing to set the right objectives? Yes, they can, and sadly, they often do. Just as professional athletes cannot achieve a desired level of performance by simply starting to run and seeing how fast they can improve, ecommerce marketers need to unpack what drives success and apply their own build-backwards methodology.

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Boosting Ecommerce Conversion: 5 Behavioral Science Tips

| Darwin Liu

While ecommerce conversion rate optimization may seem daunting at first, by designing solutions that align with our psychology, we can make it easier for people to do things they already want to do. Marketers who apply the following 5 principles to ecommerce websites are poised to increase ecommerce conversion.

Ecommerce Marketers: ROAS Measurement Mistakes

| Darwin Liu

Most ecommerce businesses rely heavily on advertising to draw customers to their websites, and in the case of retargeting, remind them of past visits or past purchase intentions. When it comes to measuring return on ad spend (ROAS), here are four common pitfalls that ecommerce marketers must know how to navigate.

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Ecommerce Brands: Conquering the 2021 Holidays

| Darwin Liu

Like so many things in 2021, Black Friday and other holidays are changing continuously. That is why we identified six tips that every ecommerce marketer should know in order to focus brand energy in the right places and win the holiday shopping season.