Deanna Kaufman /

Deanna is Vice President of Sales at enVista, focusing on bringing supply chain solutions to major clients in retail and ecommerce. Previously she was at FedEx for over 20 years where she was a managing consultant in its Customer Solutions’ Design and Implementation global team focused on retail and ecommerce. Deanna worked with FedEx’s marketing team to bring new services to market and facilitated an Ecommerce Executive Customer Advisory Board. Before that FedEx Deanna spent nine years in international business, software globalization and localization with major corporations including AT&T and small consulting firms.

last mile illustration feature

Last Mile Constraints: Start with the End in Mind

| Deanna Kaufman

Now that we’re looking toward a fast-approaching peak and 2022, what has changed about last mile constraints, and how can supply chains retain a competitive advantage through last mile operations? Here are some thoughts, looking at the issue through the lens of spend management, cost to serve and capacity constraints.