Erin Lynch

[email protected] / LynchMCM

Erin Lynch is the senior content producer at Multichannel Merchant. Erin can be reached (203) 899-8461 or connect with her socially on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

Returns, returns policy, holiday returns, retail, online retail, ecommerce, ecommerce fulfillment, operations and fulfillment, shipping/delivery

8 Tips for Creating a Solid Returns Policy

| Erin Lynch

While most merchants would prefer to not think about their returns policy, it’s imperative for every ecommerce company to have one. Not only is it good business, but it will also help customers trust your brand and the products that you sell. Here are eight tips designed to get you to master the art of the refund policy.

4 Tips to Increase International Sales

| Erin Lynch

Selling internationally for U.S. based retailers can be tough especially since international shoppers tend to abandon their shopping carts at higher rates compared to their American counterparts. In fact, according to this snapshot of the international shopper, 37% avoid buying online because of the shipping costs alone. But don’t let that discourage you from selling and shipping globally, here are a few steps you can take to snag that sale.

Infographic 4 Tips to Increase International Sales

| Erin Lynch

If you sell internationally you might have noticed the recent trend of overseas shoppers adding just as many items to their shopping carts as their American counterparts but abandoning in higher rates. So what can merchants do to get that international shopper? Take a look at the infographic to not only get a better understanding of the shopping habits for the international shopper but also a few tips on how to convert them.

Warehouse, distribution center, retail operations management, ecommerce

Why Omnichannel Fulfillment Matters

| Erin Lynch

Shopping habits, shopping devices, and shopping locations are interchangeable in the customer’s eyes, which is why it’s more important than ever for merchants to offer a wide variety of omnichannel fulfillment options, according to Bill Toney, senior vice president, Omnichannel Solutions at VendorNet.