Catalog Copy: Will Travel Catalogs Survive?
There’s no question: Travel and leisure are hurting And no question: Short of all-out mobilization, some but not all the travel catalogs will survive.
There’s no question: Travel and leisure are hurting And no question: Short of all-out mobilization, some but not all the travel catalogs will survive.
The synergy between direct mail and e-mail not only exists; it sparkles with energy. Direct mail is the incestuous first cousin of e-mail. But too many
How can one attack copy in a travel catalog whose typical descriptions begin like this: THE GLORIES OF RAJASTHAN princely fortresses rising out of barren
When a critic lumps Web copy and e-mail in the same pudding, he or she parallels the chef who puts chocolate sauce on a steak. The two are parallel only
I sometimes wonder whether the people who write catalog copy and the people who buy merchandise for a catalog ever talk to each other. The people who
The heading on a catalog description of the famous Tilley Hat: ELEPHANT EATS TILLEY HAT 3 TIMES! What follows is This is a true story. Michael Hackenberger,
I’m indebted to Kristin Anderson of Magellan’s for this month’s subject. Too often, catalogers take either a Pollyanna point of view or a sour one toward
When it comes to assessing the impact of your e-mail, your customer is a better judge than your managerWhat’s wrong with this scenario? Immediately after
Whats wrong with this scenario? Immediately after I concluded a speech on e-mail in the U.K., two people who had been in the front row and had been both
I’ll admit cheerfully, up-front: This year I’m being very picky. If your print catalog has brilliant ideas, marred by nondescript descriptions, look out.