Jim Coogan

[email protected]

Tips for Testing Magazine Lists

| Jim Coogan

Looking to test magazine subscriber lists? Jim Coogan of Catalog Marketing Economics has a tip: if you test the direct mail sold and direct-to-publisher selects, better results will come.

Find Your Geographic Sweet Spots and Dead Zones

| Jim Coogan

Mailers have used zip tables for years to find hot areas to mail deeper and poor areas to avoid. You should consider optimizing your prospecting lists by geographic sweet spots to squeeze more profitable response from prospecting, while cutting out your catalog’s dead zones.

Bottom-Feeding with Cooperative Database Models

| Jim Coogan

Catalogers must cut waste out of their circulation to fight the spiraling costs postage, paper and printing. A powerful tool for eliminating non-responsive names is to test the bottom of your house file reactivation models.

Co-op Databases Step Up Modeling

| Jim Coogan

The co-operative databases have sharpened up their modeling with a new generation of models for catalogers. New modeling initiatives from the co-ops are capable of producing better response and bigger list universes for catalogers.

Use the Co-ops to Flag and Drop Dormant Households

| Jim Coogan

Use your co-op databases to flag the households with zero purchasing activity in the last six months, nine months, or 12 months. The co-ops can profile your house file and identify those households that have had zero mail order transactions across all the members of the database.

Developing Business Rules for Matchback Allocation

| Jim Coogan

With the flood of web buyers arriving without source codes, matchback analysis has become the methodology for reading results. Matchbacks are simply matching the mail file of the circulation with the response file of orders received during the life of the catalog being measured.

Six Keys to Mailing Your Web Buyers

| Jim Coogan

Catalog merchants need to learn the new rules for mailing Web buyers profitably to manage the flood of business coming through the Web. And pure web merchants will gain a huge advantage other Web marketers if they learn to circulate catalogs to their buyers